Experimental research on RC beams strengthened with CFRP strips
Okładka czasopisma Badania Doświadczalne Elementów i Konstrukcji Betonowych, zeszyt z numerem 9.
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Kamińska, M. E., & Kotynia, R. (2000). Experimental research on RC beams strengthened with CFRP strips. Badania Doświadczalne Elementów I Konstrukcji Betonowych , (9), 1-51. https://doi.org/10.34658/kbb.2000.9


The research program included 8 RC beams with the cross-section of 150300mm and span of 3000mm. The beams were differed in steel reinforcement ratio, length, location and type of the CFRP strip. The strips of type S and M with the modulus of elasticity 170GPa and 210 GPa were used in the research. In order to improve anchorage conditions of the main strip additional strips were bonded to the both sides of two beams at the support region. The beams were loaded with two forces (series I – 6 elements) or one force located in the middle of the beam span (series II – 2 elements). The strip debonding caused failure of all beams.
Two modes of failure differing in position and image of de-bonded strip appeared in tests. The first one (“P”) was appeared in the support region close to the end of the strip. The strip de-bonded together with concrete cover on short distance included only support region and did not reach the load point. The second mode of failure (“Z”) was distinguished longer debonding distance of the strip included both support and pure bending region. In this case de-bonding of the strip occurred by delamination in the adhesive layer and only locally in the concrete cover.
The result of the research indicated that tension strength of the strip couldn’t be reached because of its earlier de-bonding from the beam surface. Strengthening ratio of the beam can be sufficient especially for elements with low steel reinforcement ratio. Strengthening effect can be increased by application of the strip with high elasticity modulus or strip prestressing before bonding to the element. Nonlinear-elastic-plastic model of concrete with tension stiffening principle was assumed in computational analysis.

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