The experimental tests concerned failure modes of RC beams strengthened with externally bonded CFRP composites. Previous tests indicated that delamination of the strip from the concrete surface was one of the reasons of failure. It started in the maximum bending moment region and moved to one of the support. The reason of failure was vertical pressure of the concrete cover round the tension steel reinforcement for the external CFRP reinforcement for the CFRP strains equal 5 – 10‰. It seems that the ratio of composite utilisation was very low. The aim of the tests was to check if application of the additional external reinforcement delays delamination of the bottom composite and to increase the ratio of utilisation of the CFRP strength. 6 beams of Series I and 4 beams of Series II were tested.
Single-span, simply supported RC beams with the rectangular cross section of 150x300mm and a span of 4200mm were the object of the test. Beams of Series I were strengthened with the bottom strips and additional CFRP sheets or L-shaped strips with fibres perpendicular to the longitudinal beam direction. Tests of Series I indicated that the additional external reinforcement delayed cracking of the beam, but it did not increase sufficiently the load bearing capacity of the beams. Strengthening of Series II beams by CFRP sheets with fibres parallel to the beam span was more effective, especially while the sheets were applied on the lateral sides of the beam. The tests confirmed results of previous test concerning failure modes by the CFRP delamination from the concrete surface.
Analytical model based on the plane section principle and real non–linear σ - ε characteristic of all materials corre-sponded with experimental results over the entire range of loads. The model considers state of initial loading of the element before its strengthening.
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