Projekt narzędzia usprawniającego proces kontroli niezgodności w zakładzie produkcyjnym
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Jasiaczyk, W., Staniec, I., & Depta, A. (2023). Projekt narzędzia usprawniającego proces kontroli niezgodności w zakładzie produkcyjnym. Journal of Management Challenges, (2), 87-103.


Conducting an analysis of processes in terms of nonconformities enables the enterprise to continuously improve. Construction of a tool in the scope of elimination of nonconformities enabling control over the implementation of preventive actions and data acquisition is, therefore, a necessary action. In literature, there is a lack of examples showing practical use of Ishikawa, Pareto-Lorenz, or FMEA methods and tools created on their basis in production plants in order to improve the control process. The aim of the presented considerations is to analyse the process of controlling nonconformities in a studied production plant, to indicate the causes generating the largest number of registered nonconformities, and to design a tool allowing to improve a given process and minimize the occurrence of defects. For this purpose, the possibilities of implementing the Ishikawa, Pareto-Lorenz, and FMEA methods are presented.
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