This works presents an extended theoretical analysis of the response of experimental setup to an applied electric field during measurements of electro-optic coefficients in optically active liquids using an optical polarimetric technique. The analysis includes liquids belonging to ꝏꝏ, ꝏ2 and ꝏ Curie symmetry groups and the following phenomena were taken into account: natural optical activity, natural linear birefringence, dichroism, and the effects induced by an applied electric field – linear and quadratic electro-optic effects and linear and quadratic electrogyration. The presented example concerns numerical error analysis for measurement of the quadratic electro-optic effect in castor oil, which exhibits the symmetry ꝏ2 between a pair of plane-parallel electrodes.
Stępień M., Ledzion R., Górski P., Kucharczyk W., Sci. Bull. of the Lodz University of Technology, s. Physics, 33 (2012) 89.
Castor oil for research purposes from Sigma-Aldrich, Specification Sheet, product number 259853 (available at www.sigmaaldrich.com).
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