Hole drift mobility in anthrone and antrachinone layers


polycrystalline anthrone films
polycrystalline antrachinone films
hole drift mobility
carrier transport

How to Cite

Kania, S. (2012). Hole drift mobility in anthrone and antrachinone layers. Scientific Bulletin. Physics, 33(1139), 55-63. https://doi.org/10.34658/physics.2012.33.55-63


Drift mobility of holes in antrachinone and anthrone polycrystalline thin films evaporated in the vacuum of the order of 10-5 Torr was measured with time-of-flight- method. The one order difference in mobility values for both –four ring acenes purified with zone melting before vaporization and identical in crystallization structure but with different molecule symmetry may have the origin in the presence of the difference in permanent dipole moment for both molecules.



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