Dielectric and optical properties of liquid crystal 1H6Bi


antiferroelectric LC,
dielectric relaxations
optical handedness

How to Cite

Wojciechowski, M., Tykarska, M., & Bąk, G. W. (2012). Dielectric and optical properties of liquid crystal 1H6Bi. Scientific Bulletin. Physics, 33(1139), 113-123. https://doi.org/10.34658/physics.2012.33.113-123


Recently synthesized antiferroelectric liquid crystal 1H6Bi showsspecial optical properties related to change in handedness of the ferroelectric helix. The broadband dielectric measurements of this compound has been carried out, a number of dielectric relaxation modes corresponding to various temperatures and LC phases have been detected. The characteristic parameters of these modes are presented and compared with the optical data.



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