Research on elaboration of functional nanomaterials in the form of aqueous dispersions and their deposition onto textile substrates


The aim of this study was to development of printing materials in the form of aqueous dispersions of nanoparticles, giving multifunctional properties to textiles: bacteriostatic, antistatic and sensory. It was attempted to develop procedures for production of nanomaterials’ possessing with the aforementioned properties in the form of aqueous dispersions applicable in digital and screen printing. After analyzing the literature concerning the potential for multifunctional activity of nanomaterials, the attention was focused on the research of aqueous dispersions of: polypyrrole, polypyrrole and dibutyrylchitin complex, as well as on aqueous dispersion of carbon nanotubes. Analyzing the efficiency of the manufactured aqueous dispersions of nanomaterials in the range of giving the assumed multifunctional properties to textiles the quality, and durability of the obtained printouts, in the research of the modification process the aqueous dispersions of nanomaterials and the textile matrix was additionally taken into consideration, while using several properly selected auxiliary substances. The results of research and conclusions presented in this work can provide the basis for the development of multifunctional activity textile products with the use of printing techniques. They may also constitute a source of information for further research concerning functionalization of textile substrates.
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