Modelling of characteristic states of the gaseouse dust filtration in nonwovens


A new researeh method for clean and dusted textile materials has been developed, and applied for stitched nonwovens. The basis of this method is testing t's aerodynamic resistance of the materiał along the z-axis, which is perpendicular to the nonwoven's surface, at various quantities of the mass stream of the air flowing through the nonwoven, and within a broad mass range. A geometrical and physical model of the clean and dusted nonwoven's structure is developed on the basis of the aerodynamic characteristics obtained. The model has a layered character described by the following geometrical parameters: duet diameter dk, specific surface f, and area density of duct j, assessed for each of the layers. A physical model based on the laws of conservation of mass, momenta, and energy, as well as on the Darcy and Poiseuille-Hagen laws was used for the analysis of the investigation we carried ous. The Reynolds Rek, Re0 , Darcy' Da 1, Da2 and Euler Eu criterial numbers describe the phenomena which occur in the filter media. The model that has been worked out was later experimentally veriefied for clean and dusted nonwoven filters. The researeh which was carried out confirmed the method applied uself for the identification of the internal structure of nonwoven filters and description of dusted structures.
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