The aim of the doctora! research was to prove the hypothesis claiming that clothing made of different raw materials, due to their different ability to effect sweating intensity, skin temperature and collecting electrostatic charges on the clothing surf ace, to various extent influences myographic parameters of user's muscles. During the study the fabric properties responsible for creating comfort and microclimate parameters in the skin-clothing sphere were analyzed. It was assumed that hygienic and electrostatic parameters, by creating specific microclimate, in certain ambient conditions and physical activity of the user' s can affect the electromyographic records of muscle moving units. These fabric properties depend on numerous factors, such as: raw materiał composition, fibre properties, type of yarn used in production and fabric structure. In order to reduce the number of variables, the study focused only on the influence of raw materiał composition on muscle tension, where tests were done on similar parameters of yarn, fabric and clothing for all types of tested raw materials.
Ha M., Tokura H., Tanaka Y ., lngvar Holmer: 1996, Effect of Two Kind of Underwear on Thermophysiological Responses and Clothing Microclimate during 30 Min Walking and 60 Min Recovery in the Cold, Applied Human Science Journal of Physiological Anthropology, 15: 33 - 39.
Stalberg E., Nandekar S.D., Sanders D.B., Falek B.: 1996, Quantitative Motor Unit Potentia! Analysis, J. Clin. Neurophysiol., 13, 5, 401-422