On the basis of the research carried out, which concerned the influence of the basie spinning and drawing process parameters on the structure and properties of the fibres obtained, the conditions for manufactuńng a new generation of PAN precursor fibres were elaborated. These fibres are characteńsed by including ceramic nanoadditions, such as silica, hydroxyapatite, and monmońllonite.
The correctness of the hypothesis assumed that obtaining PAN nanocomposite fibres, which would join the feature of increased porosity with tenacity suitable for their carbonisation, is possible by changing the solidification process from a diffusive into the direction of a drop-type kind was confirmed. A generał rule of manufacturing fibres of such kind was formulated. It was indicated that applying the process of ultrasound dispersion of the nanoaddition into the technology of manufacturing PAN precursor fibres is related with a transformation of the fibre structure from a fine-porous structure into a macro-porous or similar to a macro-porous structure.
A comparative analysis was carried out, which concemed the influence of the presence of different kinds of ceramic nanoaddtitions in the fibre matter on the changes of the supermolecular structure, the porosity, the tensile strength, and the thermal properties of polyacrylonitrile fibres. lt was indicated that introducing nanohydroxyapatite (HAp) into the fibre matter causes a transformation of the mesomorphic structure occurring in PAN fibres into a pure crystalline. The phenomenon of partially exfoliation was indicated for fibres, which include montmorillonite (MMT); a decrease in the MMT interlayer distances was also observed. A uniform distribution of the nanoadditions inserted into the fibres was evaluated on the basis of an X-ray micro-analysis (SEM+ EDS).
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