Integration with European Union is connected with the necessity to adjust Polish light industry to functioning on common market, which requires mostly enhancing competitiveness of products. So far, the results of restructuring process have been inadequate for stable function of the sector. It is necessary to introduce a strategy which will show the right path of preparing and enterprises to compete on Single European Market.
The aim of the article is to see whether Polish sportswear producers carry out a successful brand strategy and other marketing actions in order to compete on Single European Market. To do so, empirical studies using questionnaires were carried out among Polish sportswear producers.
Thanks to this paper it is possible to specify the direction of future changes and actions, for clothing industry to have a chance for rebuilding and taking a strong position both in Poland an abroad. Another aim is to increase awareness among businessmen that a strong brand is the most precious company' s asset and it should be placed on top of the list, dominating in managing a company.
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Zob: http://www.odziez.info.pl/
Zob: http://www.makromedia.pl/firmy
Średnio w przypadku ankiety pocztowej odpowiada 15-40% respondentów. Zob. Kaczmarek S.: Badania marketingowe metody i techniki, PWE, Warszawa 1997, s. 221.