Drawing zones of threads can be commonly found in textile technologies, between parts of machines and on its working elements through which the threads are displaced and drawn. The length of such zones ranges from some millimeters to some meters. The variability of tensions in the threads displaced is caused by technological c'onditions and factors connected with the irregularity of the threads mechanical properties. Mathematical modeling of forces described in literature commonly do not concem the mechanical irregularities of raw materiał and therefore its results are only average values which do not include the parameters of the values' dispersion which are observed in real processes.
The Author took an attempt to estimate the irregularities of the mechanical properties of threads, and to determine their influence on the generation of forces (and their characteristic features) in threads displaced through a drawing zone. We also designed and build a prototype yam tester. The theoretical model presented herein, was developed on the basis of a model concerning only the elasticity theory, in details described in [2], and presented in [1], as well as on the basis of a model conceming the thread' s visco-elastic properties described in [28].
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