The work concerns the study of the structure (the interaction between fibers of both feed yarns) of the component yarns made by highly efficient air interlacing technique. The component yarns were made of two feed yarns: continuous fiber yarn and staple fiber yarn. In next stage a plan of experiment was done which considered information on component yarns ingredients and the change of technological parameters of interlacing process.
Then 45 variants of interlaced component yarns were made. Such yarns were made in three assortment groups, which contain three types of feed cotton yarns (carded, combed and rotor yarn) joined with polyester continuous yarn. The new yarns were examined in terms of their basic physical and quality features. The metrological tests results were analyzed in order to find dependencies between feed yarns structure and parameters, the parameters of the technological process of yarn connecting and the structure parameters of final interlaced component yarns.
Finally tests were performed on using such yarns in the flat textiles production (a virtual visualization of appearance of the flat textiles – knitted and woven fabrics was prepared and the real knitted fabric from selected component yarns was made.
The test results open the possibility of creating structure and parameters of unique component yarns, which were made by air interlacing technique. The proper selection of the basic technological parameters and types of feed yarn give possibility of obtaining yarns of required properties so these properties are fully used keeping the optimum processing efficiency.
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