The subject of a doctoral dissertation was evaluation of quantitative effects of enzymatic treatment and a wide chemical surface modification of polyester fibres varying in physical initial micro-structure and the consequences in terms of surface properties and selected volume properties of investigated fibres.
Glossy, continuous polyester fibres with poly(ethylene terephthalate) with different draw ratios (R = 3,0x; R = 3,5x; R = 4,0x; R = 5,2x) were used for the investigations.
The modification of PET fibre by the chemical method was carried out with the use of sodium hydroxide solutions and amine solutions with different functionality and by the biochemical method using the enzymatic preparations diversified with respect to their origin, biochemical characteristics and application conditions. Effect of enzymatic modification, at proper selection of enzyme, it is more advantageous from gotten in classic chemical modification at utilization of solution NaOH, as well as amines one and two-function and it is subordinated from kind of enzymatic preparations.
In the light of the test results obtained the method of PET fibres modification with the use of enzymatic preparations should be accepted as an effective, proecological and energy-saving approach to changing the fibre surface structure leading to the elimination or essential reduction of several unfavourable fibre properties.
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