The objective of the research that was undertaken in PhD thesis, was to test out whether dyes, usually applied in order to bestow esthetic look of the textiles, can improve their barrier properties against harmful UV radiation, in a way that the product could be considered as UV protective. At the same time it was admitted that the theory, often encountered in the literature, that indicates the relation between the colour of the final product and its barrier properties, needs to be verified. It was assumed that decisive meaning in this case has the chemical structure of the dye and fibreformating polymer.
The choice of the class of investigated dyes (monoazo disperse dyesderivative of p-amino-p-nitroazobenzene) and fiberformating polymer (polyamid and polyester) allowed to assume that those dyes create a solid solution inside the fiber. Basing on that assumption the mathematically-physical models of dyed textile product used as an optical filter, absorbing and dispersing UV light were created. The transmittance analysis of dyed textile product, that used elaborated models, allowed to classify investigated dyes as UV radiation absorbents.
It was confirmed that the ability of the fiber to increase the barrier properties of the textiles in UV zone, first of all depends on chemical structure of the dye and fiberformating polymer. The elaboration of mathematically-physical models of dyed textiles as a UV radiation filters, enables to put into effect the utilitarian purpose of the PhD research. That is the creation of the basis of automatic textile colour reciping of already determined permeability properties against UV radiation and the opportunity of their prognosis.
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