Integrity Rules for Multiargument Relationships in Possibilistic Databases
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Słowa kluczowe

Fuzzy databases
fuzzy sets
fuzzy functional dependencies
possibility distributions
inference rules

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Myszkorowski, K. (2016). Integrity Rules for Multiargument Relationships in Possibilistic Databases. Journal of Applied Computer Science, 24(3), 21-32.


The paper contains an analysis of multiargument relationships in possibilistic databases. A multiargument relationship may be formally presented using the relational notation R(X1, X2,...,Xn), where R is the name of the relationship and attributes Xi denote keys of entity sets which participate in it. The dependencies between all n attributes describe the integrity constraints and must not be infringed. They constitute a restriction for relationships of fewer attributes. In the paper it is considered a possible coexistence of associations between k < n attributes of the n-ary relationship. The analysis is carried out using the theory of fuzzy functional dependencies. The notion of functional dependency has been appropriately extended according to the representation of data.
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