This article is going to provide information about a professional method of gathering, documenting and maintaining requirements. It will be an extension of an earlier written article, which was entitled TOWARDS A REPEATABLE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS. It is going to be the second in a series devoted to describing recommended ways of software development.
Wiegers Karl E. :Thorny issues and practical advice, 2005.
Clouse Aron, Turner Richard, Ahern Denis:. CMMI Product Team: CMMI for SystemsEngineering, Software Engineering, Integrated Product and Process Development, and Supplier Sourcing, Version 1.1 Carnegie Mellon, Software Engineering Institute, Pittsburgh 2002.
Enterprise Architect User Guide, Version 6.5 Geoffrey Sparks SparxSystem 2006.
Unified Modeling Language: Superstructure version 2.0, Object Management Group, 2006.
W. Fitzpatrick Brian, C. Pilato Michael,Ben Collins-Sussman: Version Control with Subversion For Subversion 1.3.
Bergström Stefan, Råberg Lotta: Adopting the Rational Unified Process: Success with the RUP, 2003.
Eeles Peter: Capturing Architectural Requirements, 2001.