Wykorzystanie mediów społecznościowych w procesie budowania marki pracodawcy
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Lendzion, J. (2023). Wykorzystanie mediów społecznościowych w procesie budowania marki pracodawcy. Journal of Management Challenges, (2), 17-39. https://doi.org/10.34658/jmc.2023.1.2.17-39


The currently observed changes in the environment of enterprises have contributed to the increased interest in the employer brand and the methodology of its creation, as well as the modernization of the solutions used by companies in this area of management. Corporate and customer reputation. Effectively reaching candidates looking for a job requires the use of appropriate tools tailored to the recipients, which should take into account the candidate's experience and status, preferred ways of communicating with the environment, or professed life values. The rapid development of social media has made it one of the most important tools used in the employer branding process. The purpose of this article is to present ways of including social media in the process of building an employer brand.

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