This work is part of a reorganizing strategy of the manufacturing chain for the textile clothing. The main objective is to develop a new concept of clothing creation to reduce time and costs of product development. Two industrial markets have been analyzed, the ready-to-wear (Mass production) and the ready to measure (mass customization). We notice that the effects of globalization lead to produce quickly in order to avoid copying and require constant renewal of collections in a very short time. The production is no longer local, it is now imperative to communicate the data in digital form through the Internet. This analysis of the clothing making business shows the need to evolve to a 3D virtual world correlated with industrial needs raised at the international measurement campaigns. The latter advised to work with 3D virtual models within the morphologies of the human body to prevent the return of unsold cloths. This need has transformed the concept of table size in the concept of high morphotypes segmentation. To meet all these criteria, methods of work must be changed, designers must adapt to the modern world of virtual 3D internet. Also, we propose a concept of creating clothing virtual 3D model adaptive morphotypes.
The first chapter presents the state of the art of the subject in the different areas representative of the study, ie: anthropometry, biometrics and means of measurement, design virtual clothing heavily virtual.
The second chapter is devoted to modelling of the human body through the implementation and development of an adaptive model morphotypes.
The third chapter provides a model of 3D virtual clothing associated with the previous model. An ease model is integrated upstream of the global model to control the well being and the drape of garment. Orientation of the application into a mass customization process has led to precisely adjusted ease parameters using the tools of image treatment.
The last chapter represents our contribution to the extension of the clothing dynamic model through the establishment of a non-linear fabric model with the parameters value calculated by genetic algorithms using a suitable methodology to identify the process.
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