The dissertation presents research on application of designed and produced fabrics characterised by a specific distribution of hydrophobic and hydrophilic fibres in their structure and by their varied contact with the user’s skin (from the point of view of the degree of fabrics surface complexity). The fabrics mentioned were applied for bed sheets usage in the hospital conditions by long-term immobile persons at risk of bedsores formation. The preventive effect of the fabrics was analysed in the aspect of external and internal factors taken into consideration in bedsores etiology. In range of external factors was carried out model testing of the heat and moisture transport by fabrics in simulated conditions of bed sheets usage. Additionally, in range of internal factors was carried out changes of local blood flow in a place under high risk of bedsores formation in conditions of longterm immobility. For this purpose the impedance plethysmography method was applied to detect changes in blood flow in local vascular system.
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PN-72/P04734: Metody badań wyrobów włókienniczych. Wyznaczanie wodochłonności.
PN-EN ISO 9237:1998: Tekstylia. Wyznaczanie przepuszczalności powietrza wyrobów włókienniczych.
PN-71/P-04611: Metody badań wyrobów włókienniczych. Wyznaczanie przepuszczalności pary wodnej.
Instrukcja urządzenia Permetest – firmy Sensora C.o.
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