Application trial of a simple spectrophotometric method in determination of sun protection parameters of selected sunscreen cosmetics

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Madanowska, A., & Kowalska-Baron, A. (2023). Application trial of a simple spectrophotometric method in determination of sun protection parameters of selected sunscreen cosmetics. Biotechnology and Food Science, 85(1), 55-62.


Knowledge of the sun protection factor SPF of a sunscreen product is essential for the safe use of solar radiation. In Poland and in the European Union, in vivo method is used to determine the SPF. This method is time-consuming, expensive, does not ensure repeatability, and raises ethical doubts. Therefore, instrumental methods that can replace the traditional in vivo method are sought. In this study an attempt to determine sun protection parameters, such as SPF, degree of protection against UVA and critical wavelength of selected sun protection cosmetics was made with the use of a simple spectrophotometric method based on measuring the absorbance of ethanol solutions of selected sunscreen cosmetics. The obtained results may be useful for  future development of a new in vitro method for determination of sun protection parameters of sunscreen cosmetics.


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