Antioxidant potential of selected herbal plants from various cultivation systems for cosmetic purposes


herbal plants
spice plants
antioxidant properties
cosmetic purpose

How to Cite

Mańkowska, D., & Klepacz, K. (2023). Antioxidant potential of selected herbal plants from various cultivation systems for cosmetic purposes. Biotechnology and Food Science, 85(1), 43-48.


The aim of this study was to determine the value of the antioxidant potential of several domestic herbal plant species derived from conventional and organic crops, which, due to the content of valuable biologically active compounds with anti-inflammatory properties, can be used in the production of cosmetic preparations. The antioxidant potential of methanol extracts of the tested plants was determined using the FRAP method with ascorbic acid as a standard. The content of antioxidants in the studied plants ranged from 1.121 to 13.228 mg/g for samples from conventional crops and from 1.559 to 19.327 mg/g for samples from organic farming. Greater biological value of extracts obtained from plants grown in an organic system than in a conventional system has been indisputably demonstrated. The obtained research results may constitute an incentive for producers of cosmetics to choose native organic plants for the production of their products.


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