The aim of the study was to evaluate the stability of vitamin C and beta-carotene in the freeze-drying process compared to other thermal drying methods. Tomato puree was selected as a model product for testing the stability of vitamin C and vitamin A in drying processes, due to its properties, such as: appropriate consistency, which was favorable for the analyzes performed, and the presence of the above-mentioned vitamins. Model studies were performed on the stability of vitamin C and beta-carotene under the conditions of air-drying at 105°C, drying under reduced pressure at 70°C and freeze-drying on a tomato puree matrix. Results proved that freeze-drying is superior to other drying methods with the lowest losses of both vitamin C (losses of 4%) and beta-carotene (losses of 25%) in tomato purée. In the case of drying at 70°C under reduced pressure, the loss of beta-carotene is 55%, and vitamin C – 78%. In the case of air-drying at 105°C, vitamin C is 100% degraded, and the loss of beta-carotene is 91%. Moreover, it can be concluded that vitamin C in a higher dose has a protective effect on carotenoids.
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