Various immobilization methods are expected to have a bright future in the field of pharmacy, medicine or industry. Production of immobilized enzymes mainly by CLEAs introduces a whole new level of biotransformations, where biocatalysts are highly purified and active. Improvement of CLEAs technology will certainly develop food and pharmaceutical industry. Another immobilization path is affinity binding, also focused on enzymes. Preparation of generic protocols for enzyme attachment will increase the sensitivity of this technology, as well as its simplicity. Biocatalyst re-usage will significantly decrease the costs. Immobilization in nanodelivery systems may shortly dominate the field of medical sciences. The vast problem of civilization diseases is the difficulty in medicaments administration, either due to the size of the drug or the inaccessibility of the treated site. Nanodelivery systems will overcome this issue, as they are able to carry drugs directly to their site of action. Cancer, Alzheimer’s disease or autoimmune disorders will become controllable. Finally, other immobilization methods are being engineered in order to provide systems with better interactions with GI wall. Carriers will be adjusted for the highest selectivity for mucosal wall, whereas viral and bacterial mechanisms of uptake will be incorporated into biocatalyst to ameliorate the physiology of absorption.
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