γ-Decalactone is an aroma compound with a pleasant peachy odour, it can be produced by Yarrowia lipolytica, but the yield is commonly poor. Therefore, the present study aimed to use protoplast fusion performed between different superior mutants of Y. lipolytica to improve
γ -decalactone production. Data showed that 45 fusants obtained from all three crosses, the cross 1 enhanced the lipase relative production (C/G) up to 106.24% for the fusant C1/9 over the original strain. Furthermore, the highest record of the lipase production was 9.50% based on the lipase relative production (C/G), with 227.82% more than the original strain, which obtained from the fusant No. C2/3 (cross2). Moreover, the highest record of the lipase production was 10 based on the lipase relative production (C/G), with 239.81% more than the wild type strain, which obtained from the fusants C3/2 and C3/14 (cross3). Finally, the highest record of the γ-decalactone production was 108.78 mg/L with 618.07% more than the wild type strain, which obtained from the fusant C3/14.
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