The content of alcohol insoluble solids (AIS ), polysaccharide composition of cell walls and uronic acids content calculated as galacturonic acid in rose hips (Rosa villosa (Rosa pomifera Herrm) ‘Karpatia', Rosa canina L., Rosa rugosa Thunb.). Rose hips were extracted by means of pectin sequential extraction. Rose achenes cont ained more alcohol insoluble solids than flesh. The main saccharide building cell walls of rose fruit was glucose from cellulose. The achenes were rich in xylose and the flesh was rich in arabinose. The content of galacturonic acid in flesh w as 2 to 3 times higher than in the case o f achenes. The largest polysaccharide fraction both in whole fruit and achenes was Concentrated Alkali-Soluble Polysaccharides fraction, while in flesh it was Water Soluble Pectins fraction. Chelating Agent Soluble Pectins fraction was the smallest in the flesh, achenes and the whole hypanthium. Differences in the polysaccharide composition, the content of AIS and galacturonic acid were found, depending on the species of rose hips. In addition, differences in composition were found in the case of wild growing and controlled cultivation hips. Rose hips achenes contain more total dietary fiber than the flesh, but the flesh contains more pectin fraction (soluble dietary fiber) while the achenes contain more cellulose (insoluble dietary fiber).
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