Fly ash vitrification as the effective physico-chemical waste stabilization method
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electrical power plant waste
fly ash
solidification/ stabilization

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Sobiecka, E., & Sroczyński, W. (2011). Fly ash vitrification as the effective physico-chemical waste stabilization method. Biotechnology and Food Science, 76(2), 35-38.


In this paper, the physico-chemical stabilization method of electrical power plant fly ash of the Province of Lodz in central Poland was studied. The chemical composition and leachability of metals were determined in the investigated samples. The ashes were vitrified in a thermal plasma process and their chemical stability was tested to determine whether the ashes can be disposed safely into the environment, specifically onto surface soil. The heavy metal leachability tests proved that the products after vitrification were more stable than non-vitrified waste making it more suitable for disposal into the environment.
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