Scientific journals of Lodz University of Technology


Journal of Management Challenges

Scientific journal which was first published in 1975 as Scientific Bulletin "Organization and Management" (ISSN: 0137–2599). From 2020, the formula of the journal has changed. A new graphic design and layout have been designed. The editors of the new title are prof. Małgorzata Koszewska and prof. Anna Walaszczyk.  Journal of Management Challenges is managed, edited and granted by  the Faculty of Management and Production Engineering, Lodz University of Technology, Poland. Journal of Management Challenges is a collection of original publications on the theory and practice in the field of management and production engineering in enterprises, introducing the reader to the world of innovative technologies, strategic solutions necessary for the development of existing and newly established companies.

Badania Doświadczalne Elementów i Konstrukcji Betonowych

Experimental Research of Concrete Elements and Structures - a series published since 1995.

Publication under the auspices of the Concrete Structures Section of the Civil Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Department of Concrete Structures,
Lodz University of Technology

ISSN 1230-6010

Biotechnology and Food Science

Biotechnologia i Nauka o Żywności publikowane oryginalne artykuły naukowe i recenzje dotyczące wszystkich biotechnologii i żywności oraz dziedzinie pokrewnych. Biotechnologia i nauka o czasopismach do czasopism typu Open Access, dwa razy w roku, zarówno w ustawieniach, jak i wydawanej stronie. Wersja do druku jest oryginalna. Językiem publikacji jest język angielski.

Journal of Applied Computer Science

Journal of Applied Computer Science publishes original papers concerned with theory and practice of computer science and innovative computer technology as well as their application in engineering, biomedicine, ecology, socioeconomics and education. 

Scientific Bulletin. Physics

The journal publishes articles of employees and students of the Institute of Physics, Technical University of Lodz, employees of the Center for Teaching Mathematics and Physics, and employees of other universities, regarding the latest research in all areas of physics. One issue is published every year. The journal is published in English. All works are reviewed. The journal is indexed in the BazTech database.

Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie

Scientific Notebooks Organization and Management have been published since 1975.

The original / reference version of all publications presented in the Scientific Journal Organization and Management is the electronic version.

Editors-in-Chief of Scientific Notebooks Organization and Management:

  • prof. Jerzy Nowakowski (1975-1988)

  • prof. Józef Wojsznis (1989-1992)

  • prof. Jerzy Lewandowski (from 1992 to 2019)

  • dr Małgorzata Koszewska, dr Anna Walaszczyk (from 2019)




Zeszyty Naukowe. Włókiennictwo

The printed journal in Polish, published by the Lodz University of Technology Press. The editor of the series is prof. dr hab. Eng. Krzysztof Kowalski. This journal have been published since 1954 - not regularly, usually once a year or every two years. The journal does not have points for publishing.