Formulating operational and preparatory strategy by the example of national security strategy

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Penc-Pietrzak, I. (2017). Formulating operational and preparatory strategy by the example of national security strategy . Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja I Zarządzanie, 70(1220), 65-83.


Every stakeholder operating in the long-term way must have a prepared strategy of operation including the definition of the strategic aims and the ways of implementing them together with the means which are needed for them. The strategy must include all the aspects of activities and ensure their coordination. At the level of a national organization, ensuring the national security is a very important aspect of functioning, which requires a preparation of a proper strategy, in line with the national security at the country level. National security strategy must be also a complex strategy referring to the different kinds of security presented in the article. What is more, its preparation in the form of an operational and preparatory strategy greatly facilitates its implementation pointing at such areas of the national security which must be improved or adjusted.


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