Rationalization and cause problems of implementation of quality management systems
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quality management
small business

How to Cite

Rajkiewicz, M. (2010). Rationalization and cause problems of implementation of quality management systems. Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja I Zarządzanie, 46(1091), 85-110. https://doi.org/10.34658/oiz.2010.46.85-110


This article presents the key requirements of Quality Management Systems implementation with determination of the rational action of each organization. It contains description of a typical systems implementation in an business practice, with a logical sequence of action, in a specific period of time, including all problems. All necessities for the rational development and implementation stages of the work was presented, including all hazards that may arise during the process, that result in poor action and low efficiency in the future. Based on own research and observations of a business practice, more details of the costs of such project was proposed, taking as a reference an enterprise with 10-50 employees, all having the same location. The cost of such an assignment also contains often ignored and overlooked expenses of employees inside of the organization.

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