Cluster broker and Special Economic Zones
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special economic zone
cluster broker

How to Cite

Sikorski, A., & Włodarczyk, M. (2010). Cluster broker and Special Economic Zones. Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja I Zarządzanie, 46(1091), 111-138.


Since last two decades, the cluster concept developed by Porter has been widely used as the tool for policy makers to intervene in regional agglomeration and industrialization process.
The European Union introduced Cluster Based Policy to its members, aiming on spreading idea of cluster among them, and providing best practices by basing on researches done on existing clusters in Western Europe. The basic assumption of the EU bottom-up CBP is to support recognized cluster initiatives and provide financial means for start up. In this model, the market should prove whenever the cluster initiatives were strong enough to grow up or decease.
Poland does not have national CBP and the national policy is based on European recommendations. These recommendations do not fit to Polish social and economic reality. Poland is considered as the one of post-communism countries with all the social and economical limitations appearing from that fact. The citizens and entrepreneurs still do not trust each other as well as they do not trust in government and its institutions. The mentality of people has not caught up the wave of economical changes yet.
During last decade in Poland there were established many cluster initiatives. After initial euphoria, especially among politicians, within a period of 2-3 years almost all cluster initiatives and cluster organization in Poland have gotten into financial and organizational troubles. They exist; however, either do not act or act in order to find financial sources to cover basic operational costs, such as the costs of an office, stuff or current payments, thus they are not focused on cluster projects at all. The cluster policy in Poland seems to be ineffective and inappropriate tailored to our social and economical conditions. The authors would like to propose to change bottom-up policy and let government take a part in establishing and supporting cluster organizations in Poland

The Polish government has a tool to intervene on the regional market to create agglomeration processes leading to establishing clusters. The Polish Government legislated the act on Special Economic Zones and thus prepared a useful tool to support regional development. SEZ territorially cover all regions of Poland. So far SEZ have been responsible over attracting investors to the zones by providing them with: fiscal support, help in start-ups, facilitating with governmental institutions and education. The last world crisis showed, it is not so hard to attract a new investor, but it is very hard to keep the investment in region. Due to its long experience and already existing organizational structures SEZ are perfect to undertake the role in cluster policy as the cluster brokers and facilitate all cluster projects. SEZ as the broker of cluster could bring a benefit to the actors of the clusters and increase regional development and competitiveness
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