The social dimension of risk. The relationship between a company’s social capital and its strategic effectiveness
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Urbanowska-Sojkin, E. (2013). The social dimension of risk. The relationship between a company’s social capital and its strategic effectiveness. Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja I Zarządzanie, 52(1147), 41-54.


The research concerning factors influencing companies’ effectiveness is rather vast. Due to lack of knowledge about the future and the dynamic pattern of changes, there is less research on the strategic effectiveness of companies. The present article aims at identifying success factors, in particular, the inner factors of strategic effectiveness. They are related to the importance of the organizational culture of risk, perceived as the source of social capital. The social capital based on the attitudes, the behaviour, the relationship between the employer and the employees, as well as the strategic leadership has been taken into account. The research confirming the hypothesis about the social capital’s influence on strategic effectiveness was based on a representative sample of companies.
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