Manager personality in strategy of coopetition
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Machel, W. (2013). Manager personality in strategy of coopetition. Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja I Zarządzanie, 52(1147), 147-156.


The article focuses on the role of the manager in the process of interorganizational relationships. An attempt was made to indicate the nature of the role of personality traits of managers in the implementation strategy of the organization due to its success. Compared the action of the two managers (founders) in terms of enterprise development through the lens of interorganizational relationships. The purpose of this comparison is to signal that the development of modern enterprises operating in a rapidly changing environment can and should, learn from the experience managers in areas that in the past have not been named and diagnosed. The paper only an indicated of the further research on the role of manager in coopetition strategy.
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