European education programs in pre-school education
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pre-school education
European Union

How to Cite

Kopeć, A., & Antczak, A. (2019). European education programs in pre-school education. Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja I Zarządzanie, 73(1228), 55-68.


Pre-school education is one of the most important levels of education in Poland. Activities undertaken in this period affect the entire future life of the child, his emotional, social and intellectual development. The kindergartens arouse the first interests of the child, they give the chance to develop personal character traits and personality, getting to know norms and rules of manners.
The aim of this work is to show the huge role that European education programs in kindergartens fulfill – what is their actual state, how important they are to children's development, the future of our nation, how their education in this area is needed so that future generations develop in accordance with the idea multiculturalism and mutual friendship for another human being. European education programs in kindergarten are not only transferring basic knowledge about the European Union, it is primarily the education of a child based on integration and mutual help, it is the education of the future of the pre-schooler in the spirit of unity and community.
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