Work motivation has been the topic of permanent research for more than seventy years. Researchers constantly argue in the field of the most important determinants of work and carefully analyze the impact of each factor that can induce workers activity. The e ssence of t his discussion i s to find the di rection and sequence of actions of human evolution, components affecting the fulfillment of expectations, happiness and satisfaction. In the social sciences we can find a number of theories which try to systematize researchers' achievements. This study is based on three earliest selected theories: the basic h ierarchy o f needs theory w rote by Abraham Maslow, the ERG theory wrote by Clayton Alderfer and the two factor theory created by F rederick Herzberg. The a im of this s tudy is to analyze those above mentioned theories in relation to the insurance agents profession. This text includes short descriptions of chosen theories of motivation, the analysis of their foundations in regard to the profession having features distinct from the average organization's workers.
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