Modeling the development of the radiofon local in the process of local creation information society
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rynek medialny
emisja cyfrowa
nadawcy lokalni
społeczeństwo obywatelskie
partnerstwo publiczno-prywatne
sieci szerokopasmowe
„cloud computing”

How to Cite

Stachowiak, B. (2017). Modeling the development of the radiofon local in the process of local creation information society. Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja I Zarządzanie, 68(1217), 105-122.


The third sector of a public media i.e. the community media are highly significant for the development of a civil society. This specific group of broadcasters operates in all democratic countries. Their development largely depends on legal models as well as coordination and technological systems used by the state authorities, that will contribute to development of the local broadcasters market. Currently in Poland there is no further possibilities for FM radio market to grow, because there is no more vacant radio frequencies required for a new broadcast stations. Thus, the radio market is facing a fundamental technological change, which will influence its current condition and legal regulations.
This article introduces one of the possible development model of the local radio broadcasting market in Poland. In a first step it is presented a brief overview of the radio market in Poland, range of programming and audience ratings. Rising interest in local channels was highlighted. Afterwards, the current situation in terms of legal regulations, technology and their influence on local media development is discussed.
In the last part of this article it is presented an exemplary model of a local broadcasters business activity, based on a public-private partnership and use of the latest IT technology – broadband access networks and cloud computing. Participants of this project are local government units, research and developments centres and local broadcasters. At the same time it is highlighted how the cooperation of these three groups in area of the new technologies can stimulate the local community development.
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