Scientific Journal Organization and Management of the Lodz University of Technology
All articles submitted for publication in the Scientific Journal Organization and Management of the Lodz University of Technology are checked for compliance with ethical principles.
The rules of ethics apply to authors, editorial team and reviewers.
The principle of scientific reliability. The authors of texts submitted for publication are required to provide a reliable description of the research work carried out and an objective interpretation of the results. Unreliable or unethical presentation of and interpretation of data and test results is unacceptable and may result in withdrawal of the text.
Principles of originality of work. Authors may submit only their own original texts for publication. In the event that they use research and / or the words of others, they should use appropriate indications indicating citation. Plagiarism or fabrication of data is not permitted.
The principle of sharing data. The authors may be asked to submit raw test results, so they should be prepared to provide access to this data, also for some time after publication of the paper.
The principle of preventing conflicts of authors’ interests. Authors should not publish texts describing the same research in more than one journal. Submitting the same work to more than one magazine is considered unethical.
Principles of authorship. All persons mentioned in the submitted article as authors or co-authors should actually have a significant contribution to the text of the submitted article. Also, all people who have influenced the final shape of the work should be listed as co-authors. The responsibility to make sure that those who contribute to the article accepts its final form lies with the author who submits the text for publication.
The principle of reliability of sources. Authors of submitted works are always required to indicate the publications that they used to create the article.
Rules for errors in published papers. If the author / authors discover significant errors or inaccuracies in their texts, they are obliged to immediately notify the editors of the journal in order to withdraw the text, prepare an errata or correct any errors.
The principle of fair play. The texts submitted for publication are evaluated in terms of substance. Issues such as race, gender, religion, origin, citizenship or political beliefs of the authors do not affect the assessment of the articles in any way.
The principle of confidentiality. Members of the editorial team comply with the principle of confidentiality, and therefore do not disclose to unauthorized persons any information about the work submitted for publication. Persons authorized to have this information remain only: the authors themselves, selected reviewers, authorized editors and publisher. Unpublished articles may not be used by the members of the editorial team or any other persons participating in publishing procedures without the written consent of the authors.
The principle of scientific reliability. Members of the editorial team are required to make every effort to maintain integrity in the matter of scientific reliability of published papers. To this end, they can make appropriate corrections, and in the event of suspected unfair practices (plagiarism, falsification of research results) decide to withdraw the text from the publication. Editors, if necessary, are always ready to publish appropriate corrections, explanations or apologies.
Fire writing ghost and guest autorship. For the sake of scientific reliability of the published texts, the editors selects the submitted articles in accordance with the principles of the ghostwriting and guest authorship barriers. Ghostwriting occurs when someone has made a significant contribution to the publication, without disclosing his participation as one of the authors or without mentioning his role in the acknowledgments contained in the publication. Quest authorship (honorary authorship) – in cases where the author’s participation is negligible or did not occur at all, and yet he is the author / co-author of the publication. In this regard, the editors use the following tools: requiring publication authors to disclose the contribution of individual authors to the creation of the publication, unmasked ghost writing and guest autorship phenomena, including notification of relevant entities (e.g. institutions employing authors, scientific societies).
The principle of timeliness. Reviewers are required to provide reviews by the agreed date. If for some reasons (substantive, lack of time) they are not able to meet the deadline or undertake reviews, they should immediately inform the editorial team about this fact.
The principle of confidentiality. All reviewed papers are confidential, which means that disclosing them to third parties is unacceptable. Reviewers do not know the identity of the author of the article referred for review and the author does not know the name of the reviewer, which is ensured by the principle of double-blind review.
The principle of reliability of sources. Reviewers should indicate relevant works not quoted by the author if necessary. Editors should also be indicated and notified to all similarities to other works.
The principle of preventing conflicts of interest among reviewers. Reviewers may not use the reviewed papers for their personal needs and benefits. Also, they should not review texts that may have a conflict of interest with the author (s).