The influence of manager's attitudes and opinions on their ability to use and develop the potential of employees
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How to Cite

Miroński, J. (2013). The influence of manager’s attitudes and opinions on their ability to use and develop the potential of employees. Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja I Zarządzanie, 51(1146), 17-28.


The purpose of this article is to analyze the impact of assumptions about human nature on the ability of managers to perceive, use and develop the potential of employees. The first part of the study deals with the importance of a variety of human vision in the development of management theory and practice, and presents the role and responsibilities of managers in area of managing people. In the second part, the legacy of D. McGregor’s achievements and their impact on contemporary approach to people management is discussed. D. McGregor’s concepts had and continue to have a significant impact on the modern approach to people management. For its further development, they must be deliberately used as a reference and starting point for empirical studies of attitudes of managers to employees.
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