The metod of identification the motivational system ability to creating the behaviour wanted by employers
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How to Cite

Rutka, R., & Czerska, M. (2013). The metod of identification the motivational system ability to creating the behaviour wanted by employers. Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja I Zarządzanie, 51(1146), 75-88.


In literature there is a deep and frequent discussion connected with the identification of employees’ expectations toward the motivational system. There are no propositions of identification the employers expectations toward his system. So authors have worked out the method diagnosing the ability of motivational system to creating motivated people disposition to behaviours expected by employers.
The procedure has completed with five steps:
1. The list of dispositions important for completing the professional tasks;
2. Ranking this dispositions from the point of view their important and completing the tasks;
3. The list of motivators used in studied casus;
4. The analysis of influence the motivational system of employees’ dispositions;
5. The confrontation the expected dispositions with ability of system
motivational to create this dispositions.
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