Forming intraorganizational trust by managers and the impact on company’s development
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How to Cite

Józefowicz, B. (2013). Forming intraorganizational trust by managers and the impact on company’s development. Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja I Zarządzanie, 51(1146), 177-186.


In contemporary enterprise trust plays a special role. Managers should intentionally build trust in organization as a effective company’s development activator. The paper presents the latest research results related to the key Positive Organizational Potential areas such as trust, leadership, attitudes and social skills on middle management level. Author shows the importance of the relationship between trust, managers and the business development. However the study does not confirm the strong association between behaviors described as ‘employee’s openness and honesty with the admitting to making mistakes without apprehensions” and business innovation.
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