Professional demands and salaries in police officers’ subjective opinion
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Wiciak, I., & Basińska, B. (2013). Professional demands and salaries in police officers’ subjective opinion. Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja I Zarządzanie, 51(1146), 257-266.


The aim of the study was to examine the relation between professional demands resulting from the work’s tasks and organization of work, and received salary, in police officers’ subjective judgment. Results of the research conducted on 363 police officers showed, that organizational demands and not the ones resulting from the work’s tasks have influence on the subjective judgment of the appropriateness of salaries. For majority of police officers, the workload associated with professional tasks are compensated by their earnings, however organizational requirements are not balanced by their salaries. In conclusion, improvement of management efficiency and work organization may result in the increase of the sense of earnings adequacy among police officers.
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